Situational Decision Making
Become Dynamic

Situational Decisions Making - Become Dynamic

Organizations that sustainably win know how to respond effectively to the dynamic nature of their situation.

The concept of situational decision-making is best described in the context of football. Football, just like business, is a team sport. The product is multiple times more valuable than the individual contributor. In football, the quarterback relays what play the coach has called in the huddle to his teammates. The play is a blueprint or diagram of the actions and responsibilities of every player on the field. The more skilled quarterback calls an audible or changes the play at the line of scrimmage when he identifies that the defense is positioned to disrupt the play. Each then amends their assignment accordingly. Additionally, once the play has begun, the quarterback and his teammates have the added flexibility and accountability to make real-time adjustments based on their opponent’s actions.

Success is predicated on every player on the offense receiving and communicating intelligence and having the authority to make decisions relevant to his role at the point of accountability.

In a corporate context, the Board, C-Suite, and managers require the ability to receive the timely inside-out and outside-in intelligence to call an audible whenever conditions need. Likewise, their teammates – their colleagues up-and-down the organizational chart – must be empowered with similar capability and authority – at the point of accountability so they, in turn, equally can make timely adjustments.

Our Intelligence With a Service Solutions:

Alert stakeholders to burgeoning risks that could impact the organization’s cash and value creation plans. 

Provides Enterprise-wide Root Cause and Real-Time Intelligence 

Aggregates and associates data from the lowest level of granular detail in providing a comprehensive and deep cause and effect analysis of the drivers and detractors to performance. 

Provide stakeholders a common language and framework to align and mobilize the organization’s cash and execution capabilities. 

Enable stakeholders to have the correct information at the right time to effectively collaborate on the organization’s cash plan and operating strategy. 

Authorizes decision making at the point of accountability and allows for the development of teams of teams when needed